Today is:   February 19

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February Favorites

The world steps into the second month of 2025 with hope and trepidation. The United States has a new administration. Canada is finding its way to a new administration. Germany and several other European nations...


Part II

There are several unique focuses for 2025. I covered the first 12 in Part One. The following are the rest I have discovered for this year. As with all issues of LEEP Ink, the following descriptions are a...


January—It is a New Year!

We've arrived at another new year; the older I get, the more frequently they come. When I was younger, years seemed to take a long time to pass. Now, they're just a blip—here and gone. For ma...

About the International Year of the Sunflower

Year of the Sunflower, Intl.
Food , Environment Space & The Outdoors
Health , Retail
Dates Active:
Begins: Jan 01, 2024
Ends: Dec 31, 2024


Each year one flower and one vegetable are chosen for focus by the Fleuroselect Home Garden Association. 2024 is the International Year of the Sunflower.

Sunflowers signify strength and prosperity in folklore and are prized for their bright and cheerful appearance. These large and tall flowers have a rich history in food and medicine that spans various cultures and centuries.

The journey of the sunflower as a beneficial plant begins with the indigenous tribes of North America. They were the first to recognize the value of sunflowers, using them for food, oil, and dye. The seeds were ground into meals for bread, cakes, and soups, while the oil extracted from the seeds was used for cooking and as a base for medicinal ointments.

As European explorers reached the New World in the 16th century, sunflowers traveled to Europe, quickly becoming popular as an ornamental plant, and for their nutritional and medicinal properties. The seeds, rich in vitamins and minerals, were roasted or used to produce oil. Sunflower oil was used to treat skin conditions and wounds.

During the 18th century, the cultivation of sunflowers spread to Russia, where they found an ideal climate for growth. The Russian Orthodox Church played a role in its popularity, as sunflower oil was one of the few oils not prohibited during Lent. Russia became a significant producer of sunflower oil, and the techniques for oil extraction were refined, leading to commercial production.

By the 19th century, sunflower cultivation returned to North America, where it began to be grown on an industrial scale. When the 20th century arrived, the United States emerged as a major sunflower oil producer.

Modern understanding of the nutritional benefits of sunflowers has only deepened, recognizing the seeds as a source of healthy fats, protein, fiber, and various vitamins and minerals. Sunflower oil is used in cooking and as a base for multiple products, while the seeds are eaten as snacks or added to many dishes.

Sunflower oil continues to be used in various treatments by practitioners of traditional and alternative medicine; its petals and other parts of the plant have found their way into herbal remedies. Sunflowers' anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties are still being explored, with ongoing research into potential applications in modern medicine.



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Dec 01, 2023



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