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About Woolworth's Day

United States
Woolworth's Day (1879)
Anniversaries , Retail
United States
Dates Active:
Begins: Feb 22, 2024
Ends: Feb 22, 2024


Woolworths Day marks the anniversary of the establishment of the first five-and-dime department store in the United States.

Once a staple of the American retail landscape, Woolworths traces its origins to a single store founded by Frank Winfield Woolworth. On February 22, 1879, Woolworth opened his first store in Utica, New York, which failed within months. Undeterred, he opened a second location in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, on June 21, 1879, under the name "Woolworth's Great Five Cent Store." This store was successful and marked the beginning of what would become one of the world's leading retail chains.

The Woolworths concept was simple yet revolutionary for the time: selling a wide variety of items for just five cents. The store's success led Woolworth to open additional locations and, eventually, to introduce the ten-cent pricing tier. This expansion was the groundwork for the first "five-and-dime" stores, which sold low-priced goods to the mass market.

Woolworth's innovation was not limited to pricing strategies; he pioneered merchandising and store design. His stores were known for their large, open layouts, where goods were displayed on tables rather than behind counters, encouraging customers to browse and select items themselves.

The F.W. Woolworth Company incorporated in 1912, and by then, it had become one of the largest retail chains in the world. Woolworth was among the original 12 companies listed on the Dow Jones Industrial Average.

At its peak, Woolworths operated thousands of stores worldwide, including the famous Woolworth Building in New York City, completed in 1913 and the world's tallest building until 1930. The building stood as a symbol of Woolworth's success.

Despite its early triumphs, Woolworths struggled with changing market conditions and increased competition in the late 20th century. The last Woolworths store in the United States closed in 1997, marking the end of an era for the once-dominant retailer. However, the Woolworth name lived on internationally, particularly in countries such as the United Kingdom, Germany, and South Africa, though these businesses were no longer directly connected to the original American company.

Today, Dollar Store and Dollar General carry on the tradition created by Woolworth. Though gone, his contributions to retail will never be forgotten.



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Jan 02, 2024



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