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About Teen Tech Week 

United States
Teen Tech Week (US-CA)
Technology & Telecom , Education
Children , Career
Conferences & Symposiums , United States
Dates Active:
Begins: Feb 13, 2024
Ends: Feb 16, 2024
Schools, Companies, Museums in San Francisco and Silicon Valley


The Tech Interactive's Teen Tech Week focuses on junior high and high school students annually in the San Francisco Bay Area. The week offers an array of educational and career-oriented activities. The event aims to bridge the gap between academics and real-world applications in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) fields. With college and career decisions on the horizon, this week-long program offers a sneak peek into the future of these aspiring young minds.

One of the highlights of Teen Tech Week is its diverse range of lectures and hands-on workshops. These sessions give students a taste of higher education and career paths in STEM and provide an excellent opportunity for educators teaching grades 6-12 to enrich their students' learning experiences. Teachers are encouraged to bring their classes to Teen Week as a field trip, offering a unique educational excursion outside the traditional classroom setting.

A favorite feature of Teen Tech Week is the IMAX theater, showcasing educational films that align with the STEM theme. In addition, a college and career fair provides valuable insights and networking opportunities, connecting teens with universities and industry professionals.

A trio of specialized science lab courses stand out in the week's agenda. The "Advanced Physics of Roller Coasters" lab allows students to engage in a hands-on approach to physics. By building and analyzing their roller coaster prototypes, participants delve deep into gravity, potential and kinetic energy, and engineering design concepts. The final project of designing a personal roller coaster promises to be educational and exhilarating.

Genetics enthusiasts can look forward to the "DNA and Genetics Lab." This session offers a deep dive into the world of DNA, where students learn about DNA sequencing, genotypes, phenotypes, and the intricacies of genetic traits. They'll get to extract and examine their DNA, making the learning experience highly personal and engaging.

Lastly, the "Chemistry of Plastination Lab" provides a unique angle on anatomy through the lens of chemistry. Inspired by the advanced chemical processes in the Body Worlds Decoded exhibit, students will explore the science behind preservation techniques, learning about plastination, solvents, and other chemical concepts.

Parents who are keen to introduce their children to the world of STEM may also bring their children to the event. It promises to broaden horizons and spark interest in STEM while standing as a testament to the Bay Area's commitment to nurturing the next generation of innovators and thinkers.

The Tech Interactive's Teen Tech Week is distinct from the former Teen Tech Week program organized by the American Library Association (ALA). The ALA program existed to introduce students to the availability of computers, the internet, and other emerging technologies accessible to them at their local libraries. The program ended in 2014 when the awareness campaign became obsolete and libraries transitioned into multi-media centers. However, the ALA continues to hold tech-related and focused events during its annual National School Library Month and National Library Week in April.




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Jan 22, 2024



Jubilee LLC, 1712 Pioneer Avenue,Suite 2019 Cheyenne, WY 82001 +1 (484) 226 4777

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