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About Universal Health Coverage Day

Universal Health Coverage Day (2012)
Anniversaries , Health
Finance & Banking , Civil Rights
Lifestyle , Legal
Dates Active:
Begins: Dec 12, 2025
Ends: Dec 12, 2025


The World Health Organization's Universal Health Coverage (UHC) Day campaign, observed annually on December 12th, is a global call to action for more robust and equitable healthcare systems. This campaign aims to ensure that everyone, everywhere, can access quality health services without facing financial hardship.

Universal Health Coverage Day was officially recognized by the United Nations in 2017, marking the anniversary of the UN's historic endorsement of universal health coverage in 2012. This endorsement was a landmark step toward providing all people access to the health services they need, from health promotion to prevention, treatment, rehabilitation, and palliative care, without the risk of financial ruin or impoverishment.

The campaign includes events and activities led by the WHO in collaboration with governments, health organizations, civil society, and communities worldwide. It serves as a platform for raising awareness about the importance of robust and resilient health systems and advocating for more significant investment in health care.

Each year, the campaign focuses on a specific theme, highlighting a critical aspect of universal health coverage. Past themes have addressed issues such as the need for more robust primary healthcare, the importance of building health systems that leave no one behind, and the impact of health emergencies on health coverage.

The UHC Day campaign is not just about awareness; it's a day for political mobilization. Health rights groups lobby governments and policymakers to make firmer commitments to advance toward universal health coverage by increasing health services funding and removing barriers that prevent people from accessing care, such as poverty, social inequalities, and discrimination.

The significance of UHC Day has grown over the years, especially in the wake of global challenges like the COVID-19 pandemic, which highlighted the critical need for universal health coverage. The campaign underscores the idea that health is a human right and should not be a privilege based on where one lives or one's economic status. The ultimate goal of UHC Day is to advocate for a world where all individuals and communities receive the health services they need without suffering financial hardship.



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Sep 07, 2024



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