Today is:   September 19

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About International Day to End Impunity for Crimes Against Journalists

End Impunity for Crimes against Journalists, International Day to (1993/1998)
Anniversaries , Career
Media , Civil Rights
Military , Legal
Dates Active:
Begins: Nov 02, 2025
Ends: Nov 02, 2025


As observed annually, UNESCO's International Day to End Impunity for Crimes Against Journalists addresses the critical safety issue for journalists worldwide. The day draws global attention to the urgency of protecting journalists against attacks, threats, and violence and ending the widespread impunity for such crimes. It marks the anniversary of the induction of the OAS Special Rapporteurship to the office of the United Nations Special Procedure in 1993 and 1998.

The origin of this observance dates back to November 2013, when the United Nations General Assembly proclaimed the day in response to a resolution by UNESCO. The resolution was a reaction to the growing number of attacks on journalists and media workers and the alarming fact that the vast majority of these crimes go unpunished. This impunity endangers journalists and undermines the fundamental right to freedom of expression and information for societies at large.

The purpose of the International Day to End Impunity for Crimes Against Journalists is to raise awareness of the need to ensure a safe and accessible environment for journalists to perform their work without fear of violence or repression. It serves as a day to remember those who have lost their lives and to call on governments worldwide to take decisive action to protect journalists and bring perpetrators to justice.


A particularly gruesome example underscoring this day's importance is the Gaza Strip in the Autumn of 2023. The massacre and deliberate targeting of journalists continue as of this writing. The current revenge bombing of Gaza for a deadly incursion into Isreal from the blockaded region by armed militants on October 7, 2023, has already killed more journalists and media workers in three weeks than any conflict or event in history.

From October 7 to November 12, 2023, Palestine surpassed Mexico as the deadliest place to be a journalist. More than 40 journalists were murdered by Israeli Occupation Forces while doing their job in the ongoing unprecedented bombardment and ethnic cleansing of the civilians of the besieged region. In several instances, journalists were targeted and assassinated by Israeli snipers. This slaughter extends to their families and associates, hundreds of whom have also been killed with precision bombs and targeting, often preceded by taunting and threats delivered through cellular phones and media by Occupation Forces.

These alarming numbers highlight the extreme dangers faced by journalists in conflict zones, reporting on cartels, when reporting on corrupt corporations, or while covering fascistic authoritarian governments. The numbers illustrate the critical need for effective measures to ensure the safety and security of media workers. The loss of these journalists not only represents a tragic human toll and war crimes but also a significant blow to the right to information and freedom of the press.


The International Day to End Impunity for Crimes Against Journalists includes global events and campaigns, including vigils, demonstrations, and discussions to highlight the issue and advocate for change. Media organizations, NGOs, and international bodies often support these events to promote press freedom and protect journalists. It is a vital observance that brings to the forefront the ongoing risks and challenges faced by journalists worldwide and is a reminder of the importance of safeguarding the rights and safety of journalists, who play a crucial role in maintaining the free flow of information in societies.



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Sep 07, 2024



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