Today is:   September 21

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About National Principal's Month

United States
Principal's Month, Ntl.
Career , Education
Children , United States
Dates Active:
Begins: Oct 01, 2025
Ends: Oct 31, 2025


Each October, the National Association of Secondary School Principals, with congressional backing, honors National Principal's Month to recognize the contributions of principals to the success of students in schools across the United States.

You can participate in National Principal's Month in the following ways:

Write a thank you note for all your principal does, with specific examples of he/she has helped you.

Better yet, have your class, your child's class, or the whole school write "thank you" letters to your principal by distributing blank greeting cards with directions. The PTA could also initiate this activity.

Set up a banner somewhere clearly visible in the school where students, parents, and teachers can write notes of appreciation to the principal. Or set up a table at lunch to do the same on thank you cards to be left in the principal's mailbox.

Provide a weekly treat for your principal during the entire month. For example, week one can be a hot breakfast; week two is cupcakes, etc.

Create a photo scrapbook for the principal with notes from the school community about why he/she is so valued.

Plant a tree on the school campus to honor the principal.

With other parents and teachers in your school, buy space in the local paper to celebrate principals' everyday acts by listing some of the great things in the school.

Write letters to the superintendent showing support for your principal. Use specific examples of things he/she has done to make the school successful.

Hold a pep rally for your principal. Students, parents, and teachers can perform songs, skits, and speeches to thank your principal for the hard work he/she does every day.

Decorate your principal's door/office in a festive way to promote a sense of celebration.

Shadow your principal for a day and then write a report to publish in the local school AND community paper about what you learned and how difficult a job it is!

Read testimonies from students, parents, and teachers each week over the intercom.

Have the art, music, and theater classes do one small group project to honor your principal.

Designate a day, week, or entire month when local businesses offer discounts just for principals.

Get your local paper to secure a weekly column to spotlight a local principal with a profile and photograph.

Being a principal is a tough job; today is all about honoring the men and women who do it.




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Sep 07, 2024



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