Today is:   September 20

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About Rosie the Riveter Day

United States
Rosie the Riveter Day, Ntl.
Career , Women
United States
Dates Active:
Begins: Mar 21, 2025
Ends: Mar 21, 2025


The United States House of Representatives passed a resolution in 2019 expressing support for the designation of March 21 as National Rosie the Riveter Day. This is an effort to honor the women who contributed to the home front during World War II. The resolution highlights the important role these women played in supporting the military overseas by leaving their homes to work or volunteer in factories, farms, shipyards, and other institutions.

During World War II, approximately 16 million women worked or volunteered full-time in the United States to support the war effort. These women worked in a variety of jobs including factories, banks, and airplane factories. They were also involved in organizations like the USO and Red Cross, drove trucks, riveted airplane parts, collected critical materials, rolled bandages, and served on rationing boards.

The resolution emphasizes the significance of recognizing and preserving the history and legacy of working women, including volunteer women, during World War II. This is an effort to promote cooperation and fellowship among these women and their descendants. The resolution recognizes that these women and their descendants wish to further the advancement of patriotic ideas, excellence in the workplace, and loyalty to the United States of America.

March 21, 2019, during Women's History Month, was chosen as an appropriate date to designate as National Rosie the Riveter Day. The day is an opportunity to honor the important role played by women in World War II. By designating March 21 as National Rosie the Riveter Day, the House of Representatives supports the recognition of these women and the legacy they left behind.

In summary, the resolution passed by the United States House of Representatives expresses support for the designation of March 21 as National Rosie the Riveter Day. The resolution emphasizes the important role played by women during World War II and highlights the significance of recognizing and preserving their legacy. By designating a day to honor these women, the House of Representatives supports the promotion of patriotic ideas, excellence in the workplace, and loyalty to the United States of America.


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Sep 08, 2024



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