Today is:   September 29

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July is a Jubilee of Events

This sign in a store window in Dublin gave me a good laugh! At 18, we're all geniuses. By 30, we realize we're idiots! Photo LD Lewis July is a Jamboree of Events! Happy July. Like every month, I pick...


June 2024 Gems

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Momentous May Events

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About International Women's Ecommerce Days

Ecommerce Days, Intl. Women's
Retail , Technology & Telecom
Finance & Banking , Women
Dates Active:
Begins: Sep 14, 2025
Ends: Sep 20, 2025


International Women's E-commerce Days is a global online initiative designed to get women to use their purchasing power and shop online. Hundreds of e-commerce sites around the world participate with specials and incentives.

Do you remember the first purchase you made online?

For this writer, it was paying a bill (cell phone or cable, I cannot recall), but I was already trying to sell the concept to small businesses in Seattle in November 1995. Working for a radio station (KZOK, the 5th radio station in the world to go online), one of the marketing tools I had to sell was online advertising and web development. A men's store in Seattle specialized in bespoke and off-the-rack suites for men 5'6" and shorter. The owner confirmed my assumption that many of his customers were Asians on business trips from China, Japan, Korea, and Taiwan. Except for Korea and Northern China, I knew the average height of men from these regions would be closer to the 5'6" he catered to, rather than the then-average American male height of 5'10". Over the course of several visits, I attempted to convince him to try online commerce, insisting that it was especially suited for custom and hard-to-find items and international trade. At the same time as I tried to convince the owner of the merits of e-commerce. Nearby, a house in Seattle was brimming with activity as Jeff Bezos launched and built Amazon.

I never did convince the men's suit retailer to go online; by April of 1996, I'd left the radio station in Seattle and moved to Los Angeles. There I worked with many emerging companies, including eToys, Amazon, iAgency, and Earthlink.

Los Angeles was a magical place as a young adult during the last half of the 90s. The internet was taking off, and investment capital, ideas, and excitement were everywhere. Anything was possible. Industry parties, industry spectaculars, there were at least 3-4 a week. It was a fusion of entertainment and technology, and everyone wanted a part. By this point, Amazon was a known name. Google came on the scene to challenge Netscape, AOL and Yahoo!; e-commerce was still unproven, and fears of stolen credit card information needed to be addressed. Amazon would eventually prove e-commerce was the future. Later, China's Alibaba would stun the world with $25.4 billion in sales on a single day: 11/11/2017. Even more shocking, 90% of those sales came from mobile devices, which had only existed for ten years.

E-commerce had come into its own, and women led the way. Yes, women like to shop, but we're also responsible for many e-commerce platforms and stores you shop for today. In addition to spending money, honor the women behind the businesses and the creative minds that came up with the concepts and provide jobs for thousands of people worldwide.


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Sep 08, 2024



Jubilee LLC, 1712 Pioneer Avenue,Suite 2019 Cheyenne, WY 82001 +1 (484) 226 4777

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