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For the current year, this month includes: 601 events.

Events In April 2025

Database of events, awareness days, holidays, and promotions occurring in April of this year.

Beaver Awareness Month: April


Beaver Awareness Month seeks to teach people how to help the engineers of the wild, the beaver, and this animal’s critical role in an ecosystem. Less than ten percent of the original beaver population s...


Bereaved Spouses Awareness Month, Intl: Ap...


Bereaved Spouses Awareness Month supports spouses who have lost a partner. Often people don't know what to say to or do for grieving spouses. Sometimes, they turn away and do nothing. People are encourage...


Black Women's History Month, Intl: April


International Black Women's History Month celebrates the contributions, struggles, and achievements of Black women worldwide. It provides an opportunity to recognize the intersectional experiences of Blac...


Cancer Control Month: April


National Cancer Control Month began as a joint congressional and presidential decree on March 28, 1938 (52 Stat. 148; 36 U.S.C. 103). It is renewed annually by the President. Each year an estimated half...


Canine Fitness Month: April


Our pets suffer from a sedentary lifestyle as much as we do, and this has led to an epidemic in obesity amongst the American pet population. Canine Fitness Month aims to change that by getting pets and ow...


Car Care Month, Ntl. Spring: April


National Car Care Month occurs twice a year in April and October. April’s Car Care month focuses on preparing your vehicle for the summer driving months, and October is about preparing your car for winter...


Cesarean Awareness Month, World: April


World Cesarean Awareness Month seeks to educate the public and healthcare professionals about the tools available to improve maternal-child health and prevent unnecessary cesareans. Resources available in...


Child Abuse Prevention Month, Ntl.: April


National Child Abuse Prevention Month was established in 1983 through a presidential decree and occurs each year in April. Over a half million American children in the United States suffer neglect or ab...


Community College Month: April


Community College Month, or #CCMonth, is a month-long grassroots education and stigma-busting campaign coordinated by the Association of Community College Trustees (ACCT). The primary goals of #CCmonth ar...


Community Spirit Days: April


Community Spirit Days in April encourages showing off your community spirit by volunteering in your community to make it better. It's a month about helping others and working together as one community tow...


Confederate Heritage Month: April


Created in 2006, Confederate History Month is declared by the state government or governor each year in Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, Texas, and Virginia. The Confederacy, or Confede...


Counseling Awareness Month: April


ACA designates April of each year as Counseling Awareness Month. It is a time of professional advocacy and a celebration of counselors' efforts in diverse settings as they seek to facilitate their patient...


Couple Appreciation Month: April


Couplehood, it's a state where two are better than one. If you're lucky enough to have found your better half, then April is a month to show your appreciation, nurture your relationship and be grateful fo...


Credit Union Youth Month™, Ntl.: April


National Credit Union Youth Month is an event organized by the Credit Union National Association (CUNA) to raise awareness among K-12 students about the importance of savings and financial knowledge throu...


Customer Loyalty Month, Intl.: April


A month set aside to work on your customer journey sales funnel and customer service policies to find additional ways to increase customer loyalty through appreciation. The Loyalty Formula: Loyalty = Gr...


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