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For the current year, this month includes: 681 events.
However, since dogs need walking daily, use this day as a reminder. There is National Walk Your Dog Week, which occurs in October. National Walking the Dog Day began in 2010 and focuses on the increasing...
On February 22, 1732, General George Washington, the leader of the Continental Army during the American Revolutionary War and the first President of the United States, was born. He led an illustrious care...
Wave All Your Fingers at Your Neighbors Day is about burying the hatchet for any grievances and saying hello. Even the Hatfields and McCoys needed a day off sometimes!
Created by the National Institute of Health in 2002, National Wear Red Day occurs on the first Friday of February. Women wear the color red to raise awareness and remind the dangers of heart disease and w...
John Jeffries was born on February 5, 1744. He is considered America's first Weatherman (meteorologist). Jeffries began logging daily weather occurrences in Boston and providing reports to the population....
Wedding Ring Day is an unofficial event celebrating the symbol of love and commitment represented by wedding rings. This day is not widely recognized as a formal holiday but is celebrated by some as a way...
National Weddings Month honors the work and legacy of Saint Valentine. At the time of his martyrdom, he was a Bishop who illegally married couples in the 3rd Century AD Roman Empire. Under Roman law, it w...
Welsh Language Music Day, known in Welsh as "Dydd Miwsig Cymru," is an annual celebration dedicated to promoting and celebrating music in the Welsh language. Initiated in 2016, the event is held every Feb...
Founded in 1877, Westminster Kennel Club held its first dog show at Gilmore's Garden (now Madison Square Garden) in New York City. Present were 1,201 dogs. The Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show is consider...
World Wetlands Day began in 1997. Ever since, government agencies, non-government organizations, and community groups worldwide have recognized World Wetlands Day, focusing on the benefits and necessity o...
World Whale Day is celebrated annually on the third Sunday of February, raising awareness about the majestic giants of the ocean and the need to protect them. Originating in Maui, Hawaii, the Pacific Whal...
Whistleblower Reward Day honors and acknowledges the courage and contribution of whistleblowers in various sectors who risk their careers and personal lives to expose wrongdoing and corruption. Whistlebl...
White Cane Week in Canada is a week-long awareness campaign topped off with the Canadian Vision Impaired Curling Championship and countless local activities. Founded in 2006, White Cane Week seeks to g...
White T-shirt Day commemorates the first contract signed between the American Auto Worker's Union and General Motors Corporation on February 11, 1937. "After a six-week sit-down strike by General Motors...
Who Shall I Be? Day encourages you to decide and determine who you are and how the world will see you, not what others think you should be.