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For the current year, this month includes: 620 events.
Craft & Design magazine launched Craft Design Month in 2011 to support and promote designers, makers, and small creative businesses across Britain. See the event website to search by region, craft, and e...
Created in 2005 by the Brewers Association, American Craft Beer Week (ACBW) celebrates U.S. craft brewers. It usually occurs the second full week of May. Beer lovers everywhere celebrate the craft beer re...
May is Crohn's & Colitis Awareness Month in Australia. The same event is observed in Canada each November. Crohn's disease can involve any part of the gastrointestinal tract from the mouth to the anus bu...
World Day of Cultural Diversity is a United Nations-sponsored event designed to help people worldwide celebrate what makes us different and how we are the same. Fear and hate are learned emotions concer...
Cyclofemme is an annual global event that celebrates women and cycling. It was founded in 2012 by Sarai Snyder, a cyclist with the website Girl Bike Love. She aims to empower women and encourage women to...
The Cystic Fibrosis Foundation sponsors Cystic Fibrosis Awareness Month in May to highlight the growing need for awareness about Cystic Fibrosis (CF). During this time, volunteers and people with CF and t...
Cystinosis Awareness Day began in 2018. This annual event seeks to raise awareness about the disease and raise funds to find a cure. From the Cystinosis Research Network: “Cystinosis is a rare genetic,...
The International Day of Light is a global celebration highlighting the crucial role of light in various fields, including science, culture, art, education, sustainable development, medicine, communicatio...
The construction unions in Mexico chose to defy Pope John XXIII's cancellation of this feast day in the Catholic calendar in 1960. Until then, it was a day when people decorated the crosses of the dead an...
Deaf Awareness Week (DAW) is a unique UK awareness campaign with multiple sponsors. It aims to turn up the volume on deafness and the various tools available to those living with it. The week highlights t...
The Baha'i faith marks the Declaration of the Bab each year, and it is the anniversary of the day he was declared a new messenger of God in Shiraz, modern-day Iraq, on May 22, 1844. Declaration of the Bab...
National Defense Transportation Day recognizes our nation's transportation infrastructure and the men and women who build, maintain, and utilize it. In 1957. by joint resolution, Congress requested the...
National Dementia Awareness Week in the UK runs annually toward the end of May. Different regions may choose to celebrate on different weeks throughout the month. The week seeks to raise awareness about...
Devil's Food is the first chocolate cake ever marketed as a cake mix by the Duff Company of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, in the 1930s. The first recipe for the cake was published in 1905. Essentially, Devil...
Dhu al-Hijjah is the 12th and last month in the Islamic Calendar, the final of four sacred months, and the month of Hajj. Performing Hajj occurs between the 8th - 12/13th of the month and is one of Islam'...