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For the current year, this month includes: 724 events.
TAKING IT TO THE STREETS: INTERNATIONAL WALK TO SCHOOL MONTH International Walk to School Month is a global initiative that encourages children, parents, and communities to embrace walking as a healthy,...
<h1>WOLF AWARENESS WEEK:</h1><h2>ADVOCATING FOR NATURE'S MOST INTERESTING CANINE</h2><span><br>Wolf Awareness Week is an annual event dedicated to celebrating and promoting the conservation of wolves. Hel...
<h1>DAYLIGHT SAVINGS IN THE EUROPEAN UNION AND UNITED KINGDOM</h1><span><br>Daylight Savings in the European Union commences on the last Sunday of March (spring forward) and ends on the last Sunday of Oct...
<h1>THE BRICS SUMMIT</h1><span><br>BRICS is an acronym for an association of five major emerging national economies: Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa. The group was originally known as "BRIC...