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For the current year, this category includes: 12380 events.
This category covers historical events that fall on or near a specific day (or sometimes a month). It may be a birthday, a death day, a patent filing, or an event in the news. .
Jumhuri ('Independence' in Swahili) Day in Kenya marks the anniversary of December 12, 1963, the day the nation declared its independence from Britain and became a republic. This is a national holiday.
Neutrality Day in the Turkmenistan marks the anniversary of December 12, 1995, the official day the nation was recognize as a neutral state in south Asia, much like Switzerland is in Europe. This attribut...
Created on the anniversary of Turkmenistan's permanent entry into the world body as a neutral nation on December 12, 1995, International Neutrality Day seeks to support preventive diplomacy. These guiding...
On December 12, Mexico celebrates Our Lady of Guadeloupe Day. Our Lady of Guadalupe, also know as the Cirgin of Guadalupe and Our Mother of Guadalupe The Madonna of Tepeyac, Tonantzin. The day celebrate...
Poinsettia Day in the U.S. celebrates the beautiful red, white or pink plant most people associate with Christmas. Poinsettia Day marks the anniversary of the death of Joel Roberts Poinsett December 12,...
One of the most horrific events in Chinese History, the Nanking Massacre (Nanjing Massacre), began on this day, December 13, 1937. Japanese troops invaded the city. For the next six weeks, through torture...
Malta's Republic Day marks the anniversary of December 13, 1974, the day the island nation ended the monarchy and became a republic. This is a national holiday.
On December 15, 1791 the first ten amendments to the US Constitution were ratified by all thirteen colonies of the United States. Known as the Bill of Rights, these amendments outline the limits to govern...
National Ice Cream Cone Day celebrates the edible and portable summer treat. The first edible cone for ice cream was created in 1904 by Ernest Hamwi at the St. Louis World's Fair. The Syrian immigrant h...
Independence Day in the 33 island archipelago of Bahrain, marks the anniversary of December 16, 1971, the day the nation gained independence from Britain. This is a national holiday.
Independence Day in Kazakhstan marks the anniversary of December 16, 1991, the day the nation gained independence from the Soviet Union. This is a national holiday.
December 16 marks the anniversary of the Boston Tea Party Day in 1773. Organized by the 'Sons of Liberty' as a political protest in defiance of the Tea Act of May 10, 1773, demonstrators destroyed an enti...
Victory Day in Bangladesh marks the anniversary of December 16, 1971, a day of victory when East Pakistan became part of the nation. This is a national holiday.
Pan American Aviation Day seeks to stimulate interest in aviation, spawn further development of rapid communications, and increase cultural development between the countries of the Western Hemisphere. T...
Presidential Proclamation: Wright Brothers Day On December 17, 1903, after years of determination and creativity, Orville and Wilbur Wright's wooden aircraft sailed the steady winds of Kitty Hawk, North...
Dattatreya Jayanti marks the birth of the Hindu god Dattatreya (Datta) in approximately 2450 BC. Dattatreya is a compilation of the Hindu divine male trinity of Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva. The birth is cel...
It was on this day in 1878 that the little peninsula country, renowned worldwide for its news channel Al Jazeera (Th Peninsula in Arabic), that Sheikh Muhammad Bin Thani, who would vanquish the Ottomans f...