Today is:   March 07

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Category: Anniversaries & Historic Events

Events, awareness days, holidays, and promotions related to historical anniversaries.

This category covers historical events that fall on or near a specific day (or sometimes a month). It may be a birthday, a death day, a patent filing, or an event in the news. .

Derna Flood (LY)(2023): September 10


On September 10, 2023, a powerful storm named Daniel and two dams collapsing caused catastrophic flooding in the eastern Libyan city of Derna and its surrounding villages, including Bayda, Sousse, Shahat,...


First DUI Issued (1897): September 10


On September 10, 1897, the first citation for driving under the Influence (DUI) of alcohol was issued in England. George Smith, a 25-year-old cab driver, slammed his car into a building while intoxicat...


OPEC Founded (1960): September 10


September 10 marks the anniversary of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) creation in 1960. This organization aims to coordinate and unify the policies on petroleum among its member n...


Saint Georges Caye Day, (BZ)(1798): Septem...


The Battle of St. George's Caye (September 3-10, 1798) marked a significant conflict in the wider Anglo-Spanish War. The Spanish had previously attempted to expel the British Baymen from the area in the 1...


Sewing Machine Day, Intl. (1790): Septembe...


International Sewing Machine Day honors the anniversary of Thomas Saint of England's first patent on a sewing machine, September 10, 1790.


Television 'TV' Dinner Day (1944): Septemb...


TV Dinner Day marks the anniversary of the introduction of William L. Maxson's prepackaged meals, first served on airplanes on September 10, 1944. The idea of providing prepackaged meals that could be h...


Brotherhood Day, Universal (1983): Septemb...


Universal Brotherhood Day came into existence through a powerful speech delivered by Swami Vivekananda in 1983 before the Parliament of Religions in Chicago, Illinois. Swami’s speech highlighted concern...


Food Stamps Day (1959): September 11


It is a common misconception that the US Food Stamps Program for low-income Americans came about during the New Deal of the Roosevelt era. It took longer. A congressional bill created the program on Sep...


National Day of Catalonia, (ES)(1714): Sep...


If you have visited Barcelona, you’ve been to Catalonia, a province in Spain. Catalonia is well known for its campaign for independence from Spain and is considered the wild child of the nation, fiercely...


No News is Good News Day (2001): September...


No News Is Good News Day pays homage to September 11, 2001, when terrorists attacked the United States using four passenger planes. The logic is thus: If there is no news today, that is good news, which...


Patriot Day, Ntl. (2001): September 11


September 11 in the U.S. is National Patriot Day, proclaimed by President Bush first in 2001 and re-proclaimed yearly by the President. It is a tribute to the victims of the September 11, 2001, terrorist...


Defenders Day, (US-MD)(1814): September 12


Defender's Day in Maryland is a state holiday marking the Battle of Baltimore at Fort McHenry, September 12-15, 1814. This battle inspired Francis Scott Key to write the national anthem, "The Star Spangle...


Celiac Disease Awareness Day (1839): Septe...


Celiac Disease Awareness Day occurs each year on the birthday of Dr. Samuel Gee. Its objective is to educate Americans about celiac disease, dermatitis herpetiformis, and the benefits of a gluten-free die...


Chocolate Day, Intl. (1857): September 13


International Chocolate Day marks the birthday of Milton S. Hershey (September 13, 1857), the founder of The Hershey Chocolate Company in Hershey, Pennsylvania. Chocolate beans have been used since arou...


New York Marathon First Run (1971)(US-NY):...


September 13 is the anniversary of the first New York City Marathon in 1970. The event was held at Central Park and organized by Fred Lebow and Vince Chiappetta. Fifty-five out of 127 participants compl...


Roald Dahl Day (1916): September 13


Roald Dahl (September 13, 1916 - November 23, 1990) was a British children's novelist. Each year his fans hold Roald Dahl Day on the anniversary of his birth, September 13, as a celebration of his work....


Uncle Sam Day (1813): September 13


Today marks the anniversary of the creation of "Uncle Sam" in 1813. Uncle Sam is one of the most recognized symbols of the United States. During the War of 1812, soldiers stationed in Troy, New York, rec...


San Jacinto Day, Battle of, (NI)(1856): Se...


Marking the anniversary of September 14, 1856, Battle of San Jacinto Day in Nicaragua celebrates the victory of Nicaragua's soldiers over the United States forces led by William Walker at the Hacienda San...


Battle of Britain Day (UK) (1940): Septemb...


Battle of Britain marks the turning point of the 4 month attack by Nazi Germany on England. The battle occurred during the summer and fall of 1940. By this time, World War II approached its first annive...


Battle of Britain Week (UK) (1940): Septem...


Battle of Britain Week encompasses the anniversary of the Battle of Britain's turning point. The battle occurred during the summer and fall of 1940. By this time, World War II approached its first anniv...


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