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For the current year, this category includes: 2102 events.
Canadian events take place in or have cultural ties to the nation of Canada
Canadian Autism Awareness Month occurs each October to raise awareness of the condition and support families and those with it. Host an independent fundraising event. The website includes tools to help y...
Each year a week in October is set aside in the United States, Canada, and Mexico to focus on health. The week can happen at any time during October, with different cities, provinces, and states staggerin...
National Disability Employment Awareness Month was created via a Presidential proclamation in 2011 in the US and Canada in 2015. More than 20 years after the signing of the Americans with Disabilities Ac...
Disability History & Awareness Week educates children and the general population about people with disabilities, their achievements, and how to prevent becoming disabled through personal safety and awaren...
The day everyone dreads is here. Welcome to the official start of the flu season in the northern hemisphere! While seasonal flu outbreaks can happen as early as October, flu activity usually peaks betwe...
Canada's Healthy Workplace Month seeks to improve work/life balance by focusing on health, workplace safety, and mental health in the workplace and beyond.
Islamic History Month in Canada explores the rich heritage of Islam and Muslims within Canada and the world. Officially declared by Canada's Federal parliament in 2007, it's a month of education, toleranc...
October was designated in the United States as Learning Disabilities Month in 1985 through a proclamation by President Ronald Reagan. Learning Disabilities Association of Canada followed suit up north in...
Each October, the March of Dimes of Canada & Polio Australia sponsor Polio Awareness Month. Many Canadians believe that polio is merely a part of Canadian history – a forgotten disease. But polio is a ge...
October is Women’s History Month in Canada. It is a time for Canadians to celebrate the achievements of women and girls as trailblazers and an opportunity for Canadians to learn about the essential contri...
The first Sunday in October recognizes all B&Bs, inns, and their keepers in the US and Canada through "National Country Inn, Bed & Breakfast Day," The event was created in 2005 by Tina Czarnota, the autho...
Children's Hospice Palliative Care Day in Canada is a significant observance highlighting the unique needs and exceptional care requirements of children with life-limiting and life-threatening conditions....
Thanksgiving in Canada is a significant state holiday celebrated on the second Monday of October. It follows the tradition of the end-of-season harvest feasts that have existed for centuries in Europe....
National Cheese Curd Day is celebrated annually in the United States and Canada. Cheese curds are nuggets of cheddar cheese separated from the whey in the cheesemaking process. Restaurants and bars will o...
International Pregnancy & Infant Loss Awareness Day is marked annually in the U.S., Canada, Australia, and the UK. As the name suggests, it draws attention to infant mortality and premature death in inf...
Wishbones for Pets® is an international annual pet sitter charity drive. Each year, professional pet sitters throughout the United States and Canada sponsor pet supply and fund drives for six weeks up to...
The Canada Safety Council's School Safety Week raises awareness about the importance of school safety and promotes common sense practices in schools across Canada. The campaign presents educational resou...
The opossum is the only marsupial native to North America. Like kangaroos, it carries its children in a pouch, and possums have existed since the age of dinosaurs. Possums benefit the ecosystem immeasurab...
On October 18, 1929, the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council in England ruled in the women's favor on whether women are "persons" according to the law. As persons, women would have the right to vote a...
The third week of each October is National Male Breast Cancer Awareness Week. Established in 2009, National Male Breast Cancer Awareness Week raises awareness about male breast cancer and its devastatin...