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For the current year, this category includes: 2102 events.
Canadian events take place in or have cultural ties to the nation of Canada
In Canada, January is also known as the March of Dimes Month. The March of Dimes is a 65+ year old tradition of fundraising for Canadians with physical disabilities. During January, many Canadians put...
Sexual and Reproductive Health Week in Canada is an opportunity to raise awareness health issues related to sexuality and to educate yourself and others on how to reduce the spread of sexually transmitted...
National Scout Guide Week in Canada celebrates the accomplishments of the Boy and Girl Scouts and Guides and form as community outreach to inform people what Scouting has to offer. Scouts Canada is the n...
Agriculture Day in Canada celebrates the businesses and products that are grown in the nation. These include food, floral and fauna. Its goal is to create a closer connection between consumers and the peo...
Black History Month focuses on the African American experience in the United States, its history, triumphs and stories. This specific demographic is unique in American culture, as many were forced to come...
I Love to Read Month is a nationwide event in Canada, focused on getting K-12 children interested in reading. This month is organized with collaboration between state and schools. Some schools may hav...
Junior Achievement Month is recognized in Canada each year. Junior Achievement is an international organization dedicated to teaching children, through hands-on experience, practical skills, knowledge a...
Psychology Month highlights the contributions of Canadian psychology and to teach Canadians how psychology works to help them live healthy and happy lives, help their communities flourish, help their empl...
Previously known as Therapeutic Recreation Week, Therapeutic Recreation Month in Canada focuses on the activities of recreational therapists, and the impact they have on helping people achieve fulfilling...
A celebration of all things Canadian, culture and winter sports, Winterlude is attended by over 635,000 people a year. Held in two cities, Ottawa in Ontario and Gatineau in Quebec. This festival was fir...
Created in 1990, International Development Week (IDW) occurs during the first full week of February in Canada. It is designed to celebrate Canadian achievement and industry and demonstrate how Canada and...
White Cane Week in Canada is a week long awareness campaign topped off with the Canadian Vision Impaired Curling Championship and countless local activities. Founded in 2006, White Cane Week seeks give...
Family Day is celebrated in British Columbia a week earlier than the rest of the country to permit Louis Riel Day, which falls on Family Day, its own observance. Family Day is a national holiday in Can...
Have a Heart Day is a child and youth-led reconciliation event that brings together caring Canadians to help ensure First Nations children have the services they need to grow up safely at home, get a good...
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