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For the current year, this category includes: 4848 events.
The education category highlights events dealing with learning, teaching, schools, and the pursuit of knowledge.
Student Volunteering Week in the United Kingdom has a significant history and is vital in fostering community engagement among students. Established in the early 2000s, the week began as a response to the...
The Tech Interactive's Teen Tech Week focuses on junior high and high school students annually in the San Francisco Bay Area. The week offers an array of educational and career-oriented activities. The ev...
International Tongue Twister Contest Day is an unofficial event celebrated by enthusiasts of linguistic games and challenges. The day focuses on the art and fun of tongue twisters – phrases designed to be...
Youth Leadership Month, observed annually in February across the United States, is dedicated to celebrating and promoting the role of young people in leadership and community engagement. The month-long ob...
The American Football Conference (AFC) Championship Game, or AFC Title Game, determines which team from the American AFC will play in the Super Bowl against the National Football Conference (NFC) Champion...
AL ULA CITRUS FESTIVAL HIGHLIGHTS THE REGIONS AGRICULTURE Dates are estimated. In a vibrant celebration of citrus bounty, the Al Ula Citrus Festival draws attention to the agricultural riches of this anc...
The American Library Association honors books, videos, and other outstanding materials for children and teens each year. Recognized worldwide for the high quality they represent, the ALA Youth Media Awa...
Today, January 15, is the anniversary of the founding of the first black sorority in the United States in 1908 at Howard University. It is called the Alpha Kappa Alpha.
Backward Day is an organic celebration with no sponsor, celebrated worldwide. The basic concept of today? Do everything in reverse. Eat dessert first. Call people by their last names. Read a book back...
Career Coach Day encourages people to learn about the services and advantages of using a career coach. Career coaches guide individuals through career transitions, decisions, and development. Equipped wi...
Organized by the National Catholic Educational Association, Catholic Schools Week focuses on the positive impact catholic schools have on society. Catholic schools continue to be the most sought-after alt...
Dishonor List Day (Banishment List Day) began as a publicity stunt. New Year's Day host the event, given its reputation as a "slow news day." The chances of the stunt gaining traction increased significan...
Initiated by the United Nations in 2019, International Day of Education seeks to highlight the correlation between peace and education. Education is the 4th of the United Nation's 2030 Sustainable Develop...
Family Literacy Day in Canada focuses on parents and their role in improving reading and writing skills within their families. Parents keep their skills sharp by reading to children and engaging in fun li...
Freethinkers Day, also known as Thomas Paine Day, is an opportunity to promote appreciation of free thought in honor of the life and works of Thomas Paine. Free thought supports reason over faith and re...
You can tell a lot about a person from their handwriting. It lays bare insecurities, strengths, personalities, biases, and where they are. Graphology is the study of handwriting; graphologists or graphoan...