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For the current year, this category includes: 4848 events.
The education category highlights events dealing with learning, teaching, schools, and the pursuit of knowledge.
THE SWEETEST BOWL GAME: THE SUGAR BOWL The Sugar Bowl is among the oldest and most prestigious college football games in the United States. Established in 1935, the game is played annually in New Orleans...
THE SWEETEST BOWL GAME: THE SUGAR BOWL The Sugar Bowl is among the oldest and most prestigious college football games in the United States. Established in 1935, the game is played annually in New Orleans...
Every January, the mentoring movement unites in celebration of National Mentoring Month. Within the month are several awareness days, including today's Thank Your Mentor Day event. We all have mentors, w...
Robert I Birch of Pun Corps created Trivia Day using numerology. For instance, Trivia Day is January 4 annually. The T and R of trivia correspond to the numbers 1 and 4. The day is a testament to the in...
World Typing Day, observed on January 8th since 2011, is an annual event dedicated to encouraging people to express themselves via typing and to promote speed, efficiency, and accuracy in written communic...
Have you ever dreamed of going back in time and living during the old west days of the United States? If you have, Scottsdale, Arizona, has a treat for you in its annual Western Week Festival. Music, Nati...
<h2>YOUR YEAR TO GET AHEAD</h2><h1>2025, THE YEAR OF GENERATING INCOME</h1><span><br>Goldman Sachs, one of the world's leading investment firms, declared 2025 the Year of Generating Income, signaling a pi...