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July is a Jubilee of Events

This sign in a store window in Dublin gave me a good laugh! At 18, we're all geniuses. By 30, we realize we're idiots! Photo LD Lewis July is a Jamboree of Events! Happy July. Like every month, I pick...


June 2024 Gems

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Momentous May Events

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About World Love For Dolphins Day

Dolphin Day, World Love For
Animals Fish Insect & Birds , Environment Space & The Outdoors
Dates Active:
Begins: Feb 14, 2020
Ends: Feb 14, 2020


Demonstrations against the global captive dolphin trade responsible for Taiji’s brutal dolphin hunts to take place worldwide.

As another season of dolphin slaughter draws to a close, Sea Shepherd Conservation Society is calling on volunteers, supporters and concerned individuals around the world to join with us and our Sea Shepherd Cove Guardians as we show our love for dolphins and call for an end to the captive dolphin trade that funds the slaughter of cetaceans in Taiji’s infamous cove.

On Tuesday, February 14th, Sea Shepherd will teach the world about the link between captivity and the cove with peaceful World Love for Dolphins Day demonstrations across North America and overseas. Sea Shepherd chapters will host demos at Japanese Consulates and local businesses that profit directly from the dolphin slaughter by trading on their surviving family members and stand in solidarity with Sea Shepherd’s volunteer Cove Guardians currently on the ground in Taiji. On Valentine's day, animal lovers across the globe will show the world that there is nothing loving about captivity.

Every year, for the past six years, Sea Shepherd's Cove Guardians have patrolled the Taiji cove, where entire families of cetaceans are driven into the cove and either kidnapped and sold into captivity or ruthlessly killed. The tremendous amount of profit that the Japanese killers are getting for each captured dolphin, is truly the root of the evil that permeates the tiny town of Taiji, Japan. The love and compassion that people around the world have for these amazing creatures is evident in the support for the Sea Shepherd Cove Guardian campaign and their loud voices against captivity.

"Our utmost desire is to see a day when captivity is completely abolished and these beautiful, intelligent beings are allowed to roam free throughout the world's oceans, instead of being put into tiny tanks and forced to perform tricks, just to get their next meal.” said David Hance, Chief Operating Officer for Sea Shepherd Conservation Society. "Please join Sea Shepherd on February 14th, as we stand up against captivity and against those companies that help perpetuate this horrific industry," added Hance.


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Jul 18, 2022


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Jubilee LLC, 1712 Pioneer Avenue,Suite 2019 Cheyenne, WY 82001 +1 (484) 226 4777

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