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About the Annexation and Occupation of Western Sahara by Morocco

Western Sahara
Western Sahara Annexed by Morocco (WI/MO)(1975)
Anniversaries , Military
Politics , Civil Rights
Dates Active:
Begins: Nov 14, 2021
Ends: Nov 14, 2021


November 14, 1975, Spanish (Western) Sahara, Spain, Morocco, and Mauritania signed the Madrid Accords. This led to the annexation of Western Sahara by Morocco and the beginning of the last colonization on the continent of Africa. February 27, 1976, Spain officially departed Western Sahara.

Many people are aware of the occupation of Palestine, but few are aware of an equally brutal occupation currently occurring in Western Sahara, and protected diplomatically, like the occupation of Palestine, by the United States Government and its allies.

There are many similarities to both situations, including walls built to keep people in or out. Western Sahara boasts the worlds largest active mine field, laid at the base of its 2,700 km wall. Its wall, manned by Moroccan troops, is 4X longer than Israel's wall and 12X the size of the former Berlin Wall.

Both territories were previously under European colonial rule, and largely given over by their European colonizers to the current occupiers: Palestine from Britain and Western Sahara from Spain. In both cases, Morocco and Israel annexed the land and label it 'disputed'. Under international law, in both cases, the land is occupied.

In both cases media, social media and freedom of expression by the occupied is heavily monitored and increasingly, swiftly punished, should it stray from the accepted narrative via beatings, disappearances, threats, imprisonment, monitoring, and in the case of Palestine, via snipers at protests.

In both cases, the people seek basic human rights and self-determination.

In both cases, the occupations have been going on for decades.

West Sahara is the actual starting point of the Arab Spring, well before Mohamed Bouazizi lit himself on fire in Tunisia in December 2011. It was in the fall of 2010 the indigenous Saharawi people first began demonstrating against the occupying Moroccan authorities. They built a tent city on the outskirts of Laayoune. Though a peaceful protest with thousands of men, women and children, the Moroccan authorities razed the camp by fire and other means on November 8 of 2010.

The occupation continues to this day.

What you can do:

Below is the one hour special on the situation in Western Sahara that broadcast on August 31, 2018 on Democracy Now. The best thing you can do to mark this anniversary is take the time to watch it and educate yourself about a situation kept from the majority of people in the Western world for far too long.




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Jul 21, 2022


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