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Welcome to Spring or Autumn. This is a transitional month with something for everyone. Internationally, it is Women's History Month, focusing on the achievements, needs, and challenges that women ...
The world steps into the second month of 2025 with hope and trepidation. The United States has a new administration. Canada is finding its way to a new administration. Germany and several other European nations...
There are several unique focuses for 2025. I covered the first 12 in Part One. The following are the rest I have discovered for this year. As with all issues of LEEP Ink, the following descriptions are a...
Let's Move! This day aims to increase opportunities for kids to be physically active, both in and out of school, and to create new opportunities for families to move together.
Over the past three decades, childhood obesity rates in America have tripled, and today, nearly one in three children in America are overweight or obese. The numbers are even higher in African American and Hispanic communities, where almost 40% of the children are overweight or obese. If we don't solve this problem, one-third of all children born in 2000 or later will have diabetes, and many others will face chronic obesity-related health problems like heart disease, high blood pressure, cancer, and asthma.
Active Families:
Engage in daily physical activity: 60 minutes for children and 30 minutes for adults.
Active Schools:
A variety of opportunities are available for schools to add more physical activity into the school day, including additional physical education classes, before–and after-school programs, recess, and the opening of school facilities for student and family recreation in the late afternoon and evening.
Active Communities:
Mayors and community leaders can promote physical fitness by increasing safe routes for kids to walk and ride to school, revitalizing parks, playgrounds, and community centers, and providing fun and affordable sports and fitness programs.
The US Government previously supported the week-long event, which continues under the stewardship of US Registry of Exercise Professionals.
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