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There are several unique focuses for 2025. I covered the first 12 in Part One. The following are the rest I have discovered for this year. As with all issues of LEEP Ink, the following descriptions are a...
We've arrived at another new year; the older I get, the more frequently they come. When I was younger, years seemed to take a long time to pass. Now, they're just a blip—here and gone. For ma...
21 Themes and 'Year of' Events for 2025 PART ONE, THE FIRST 12 Every year, various organizations announce the theme for the year. These themes can focus on causes, such as aesthetics and color tre...
Daisy Lee Gatson Bates Day honors publisher and civil rights activist Daisy Lee Gatson Bates during Black History Month. Bates was born on November 11, 1914, in Huttig, Arkansas;
She and her husband, Luscious Christopher “LC” Bates, founded the Arkansas State Press in 1941, a weekly African-American newspaper promoting awareness of social injustice and championing civil rights.
In 1952 she became the president of the Arkansas State Conference of NAACP Branches and later helped the Little Rock Nine integrate public schools. She devoted her life to civil rights and anti-poverty initiatives.
In 1990, then Arkansas Governor Bill Clinton recognized Daisy Bates as the “most distinguished Arkansas citizen of all time” and decreed Daisy Lee Gatson Bates Day on the third Monday of February.
In 2014, in honor of the 100th anniversary of her birth, the US Congress made Daisy Lee Gatson Bates Day a national event.
Daisy Bates died on November 4, 1999, at age 85.
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