Today is:   October 05

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August is Appropos

  A toddler playing in the fountain at a park in Santa Fe, New Mexico—Photo LD Lewis. In August, we live through the Dog Days of Summer. It's hot and often humid, and those ...


September is Sassy

  Can you hear that sigh of relief from parents worldwide? Yes! September marks the return of students to school, a global phenomenon.  Preparations for the ACT and SATs begin earnestly for ...


OOH LA LA, October

    October is the busiest month for events, with 5% more happening than in May, the second most eventful month. Sailing enthusiasts will be glued to the finals of this year's Am...

About National Constitution Week

United States
Constitution Week, Ntl. (1787),
Anniversaries , Politics
Culture & Art , Legal
United States
Dates Active:
Begins: Sep 17, 2022
Ends: Sep 23, 2022


National Constitution Week occurs each September, beginning on the anniversary of the signing of the US Constitution on September 17, 1787.

Although President Dwight Eisenhower first enacted this celebration on August 2, 1956, it was George W. Bush who declared it an annual event in September 2002, one year after the terrorist attack of September 11, 2001.

The United States is a representative republic built upon democratic and socialist principles. The federal government's power resides in three separate but equal institutions. The tasks, or job descriptions of each branch, are outlined in the US Constitution. Later amendments were added to the Constitution, defining the population's rights or clarifying statements in the Constitution.

The Executive branch is the elected office of the presidency, departments, and appointed leaders. It administers the country, engages in international affairs, and facilitates interstate commerce and freedom of movement between states while defending and protecting national borders, interests, resources, and assets. The executive branch oversees social welfare and cooperative programs. These are policies and programs designed to support and benefit the population, society, or social well-being. These include in whole or in part interstate public transportation, national parks, education, retirement benefits, some health care, disaster relief, industry subsidies, federal holidays, and programs for the poor and disabled.

The Executive branch cannot declare war, make laws, impose taxes, or determine the national budget. These actions require Congress. Criminal and civil law enforcement falls under justice; the executive branch cannot imprison or arrest American citizens on American soil. These distinctions are vital in separating the executive branch powers from absolute monarchies and dictatorships, which retain these powers. In the US system, no branch or individual has absolute power.

The Legislative branch (Congress) is the people's elected representatives through the House of Representatives. State representation is via the Senate. Currently, US territories and districts do not have representation in the Senate, though some do have non-voting honorary congressional representation in the House. The legislative branch's job is to ensure the people's will is incorporated into decisions, represent their constituents, make laws, and determine the federal budget and taxes. Only Congress can declare war, create taxes, or create new laws (bills). Interpretation of these laws is the job of the judicial branch.

The Judicial branch is the third. It interprets constitutional law and interstate law. It defines how these are applied and has the power to arrest and detain persons, settle differences between states, deal with interstate crime, and serve as a check on both congressional power and executive power. Agencies, including the FBI, US Marshals, DEA, and all federal courts and prisons, fall under the judicial branch.


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Sep 05, 2022



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