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There are several unique focuses for 2025. I covered the first 12 in Part One. The following are the rest I have discovered for this year. As with all issues of LEEP Ink, the following descriptions are a...
We've arrived at another new year; the older I get, the more frequently they come. When I was younger, years seemed to take a long time to pass. Now, they're just a blip—here and gone. For ma...
21 Themes and 'Year of' Events for 2025 PART ONE, THE FIRST 12 Every year, various organizations announce the theme for the year. These themes can focus on causes, such as aesthetics and color tre...
International Widow's Day commemorates the plight of widows and children amidst poverty and injustice across the world. Recognized by the United Nations in 2010, International Widow's Day often includes awareness campaigns against ostracism, discrimination, and violence against widows and their children.
The Loomba Foundation was the first organization to establish International Widow's Day in 2005. This day is significant to the organization's founder because June 23, 1954, was when Shrimati Pushpa Wati Loomba, the mother of Raj Loomba, became a widow.
Widows suffer discrimination in many cultures, yet their plight is rarely recognized. The foundation wants to shed light on this situation. On June 22, 2010, the organization submitted a proposal to the UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon. He ratified it, and June 23 became International Widow's Day by UN Resolution 65/189.
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